05 Aug 6 Customer Service Lessons for Young Millennials
With the right training, employers can transform ‘cash register’ culture into ‘customer service’ culture
To turn “cash register” culture into “customer service” culture, restaurant leaders should teach younger employees these six best practices:
1. Make yourself available
2. Say as little as possible
3. When you do talk, choose your words carefully
4. Never wing it
5. Request feedback
6. Problem solve
Customer service is a skill that does not become obsolete. Teach younger Millennials and inexperienced workers that every single customer-service interaction is an opportunity to practice and fine-tune this valuable skill. Remind them that every customer has his or her own sphere of influence and authority. Every customer is worth impressing. Impressive people are impressed by those are themselves positive, motivated, polite, focused on the task at hand, and willing to go the extra mile.
They will notice you. They will remember you. Learn their names, and they might learn yours.
for complete article go to: https://www.qsrmagazine.com/outside-insights/6-customer-service-lessons-young-millennials
Bruce Tulgan is the founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking, Inc., a management research and training firm, as well as RainmakerThinking.Training, an online training company. He has written for The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, HR Magazine, Training Magazine, and the Huffington Post. Tulgan can be reached by e-mail at brucet@rainmakerthinking.com.